Time for a, what’s the word for four year span, update.
We’re still chugging along here and the plan is to continue offering stuff that we dig. If you didn’t already know all our tees, koozies, and posters are printed in house. We’re a vertical operation here!
You should have seen a popup to sign up to the mailing list and we hope that you jumped at the opportunity to subscribe. In this age of digital marketing, black magic algorithms, and general tomfoolery that social apps make you do to get eyeballs on your posts, an email seems like an easy way around all that. It will be an occasional thing to help remind you about us and the stuff we make. Be on the lookout for new tees, discount codes, and other who-knows-whats.
SO, that’s about it. We have some cool stuff planned for the next few months. Hope you swing by and grab something!